Friday, May 15, 2009


spinach, cilantro, arugala, mustard greens, lettuce and kale

a good sign for anyone's backyard. read Mycelium Running by Paul Stamets

black swallow tail butterfly caterpillars eating dill

pepper plants (anaheim, jalapeno, banana, poblano)



banana peppers


another kind of kale

lemon balm, two kinds of sorrel and english mint

carrots, beets and onions

collard greens

potatoes and shallots

butterfly flowers and edible flowers


i dont know the name. it came with the house. very drought tolerant


butterfly garden, with white yarrow in the foreground

cockscomb in the butterfly garden

edible flower

lettuce in bloom

society garlic flowers

“The caterpillar does all the work but the butterfly gets all the publicity” - George Carlin

our one fennel plant. we dont eat it, but the black swallowtail butterfly caterpillars love it. there's five of them in this picture.

another angle of the black swallowtail butterfly caterpillar

side view

chomping away at the fennel

an earlier stage of the black swallow tail butterfly caterpillar. this one is on our dill plant.

after the caterpillar stage, comes the chrysalis stage, just before the butterfly stage

the black swallowtail butterfly. it has to dry its wings first before it can fly.

happy family

almost ready to fly for the first time

saying goodbye. tears and hugs.